module app; import doveralls.doveralls, doveralls.config; import std.getopt, std.process, std.conv; int main( string[] args ) { // If job id is specified, default to "travis-ci", unless it's already been set. void jobId( string key, string job ) { if( Doveralls.ciServiceName is null || Doveralls.ciServiceName.length == 0 ) Doveralls.ciServiceName = "travis-ci"; Doveralls.ciServiceJobId = job; } // If pro mode specified, force service name to "travis-pro." void travisPro( string key, string value ) { Doveralls.ciServiceName = "travis-pro"; } args.getopt( config.passThrough, "p|path", &Doveralls.repoPath, "t|token", &Doveralls.repoToken, "j|job", &jobId, "travis-pro", &travisPro ); return execute(); }